Cate James

Cate James
Artist | Illustrator
Home State:
New South Wales (NSW)
Environment | Family | Illustrators | Protected Animals
Presentation Format(s):
Masterclass | Presentations | Professional Development | Talks | Workshops
Audience Type(s): Adults | Childcare | Primary Age
Visit Type(s): In Person | Online

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Cate moved to Australia in 2015 from Scotland where she studied Printmaking and Illustration at Edinburgh College of Art. She now lives in the Northern Beaches of Sydney with her husband and her mini sausage dog Sebastian.

Cate is a full-time illustrator, and when sheโ€™s not drawing for children’s books, she likes to find different ways to be an artist. She volunteers with ArtEx at the Sydney Childrenโ€™s Hospital in Randwick where she also exhibits her work, and teaches art to primary-aged children and printmaking to adults in various locations around Sydney. Cate is also a printmaking technician at UNSW one day a week.

She has illustrated over 30 books for publishers in the UK, US and Australia and was awarded the Penguin Random House Illustratorsโ€™ Showcase Award in 2019.

Some of Cate's Books

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